Example of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness test
ANSI/SCTE 48-3 : Measuring the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness in Gtem Cell
emctest technologies performs shielding effectiveness testsEMCTEST Technologies, Via Marecchiese 273, Rimini, ITALY
Phone: +39 0541 728562 | E-Mail: info@emctest.it

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The standard ANSI/SCTE 48-3 specifies the procedure applies for measuring the Shielding Effectiveness of 75 Ohm braided coaxial drop cables and connectors presently used within the broadband communications industry.
Shielding Effectiveness measurements can be performed with or without the affixing coaxial connectors removed from the measurement.

Why and when is important to carry out this test?

The shielding attributes of components in a CATV system are critical to system performance. Ingress and egress issues can have detrimental effects on the overall performance of the system from both regulatory and quality perspectives.
Ingress issues can cause problems with television picture quality, and the effective transfer of data by allowing spurious signal into the system.
Egress issues can allow signals captured in the system to leak out and possibly interfere with wireless communications which utilize the same frequencies as those signals being leaked from the system.

It is the goal of this standard to address the coaxial cables and connectors in the system, and how to properly gauge their performance in this critical area.

Shielding test configuration using a spectrum analyzer and the gtem cell
Shielding test configuration using a spectrum analyzer and the gtem cell we made - click here to see our gtem cells

After the configuration as in the picture, we perform a full sweep of the system and store the data for later use in calculating dynamic range.

Emctest Technologies is a laboratory that performs shielding effectiveness tests on site, directly to the customer, in Italy and in Europe, or at its headquarters in Rimini - Italy.

We perform shielding effectiveness tests for several sectors:

  • private
  • industrial
  • medical
  • nautical
  • aviation
  • military
  • scientifical
Typical shielding effectiveness measurement frequencies are: 10 kHz, 100 kHz, 500 kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz, 30 MHz, 100 MHz, 433 MHz, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 3 GHz, 5 GHz, 5,8 GHz, 6 GHz, 10 GHz, 17 GHz, 18 GHz, 24 GHz (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical - ISM - band), 26.5 GHz, 30 GHz, 35 GHz, 40 GHz, 50 GHz, 60 GHz (Wireless communication and radar applications), 75 GHz, 77 GHz (Automotive radar systems), 94 GHz, 100 GHz, 110 GHz.

Our lab test can perform shielding effectiveness measurements up to 110 GHz.

Read more about it going back to the home page. Or if you are looking for a lab in order to test your product contact us via email or by phone simply clicking here.

shielding effectiveness test example with 2 antennas
  • Fabrics used to protect premises against electromagnetic fields
  • Realization of card holders
  • Jackets pockets
  • Shirts
  • Bags
  • Suitcases to protect RFID cards

  • Shielding panels and sheets for the construction of shielded structures such as shelters, screened rooms, reserved rooms, medical rooms, etc.

  • Glasses to be applied to screens for small equipment
  • Glasses for the construction of shielding windows for buildings or internal dividing walls.

Applicable solutions
  • Spray
  • Shielding paints

Other shielding solutions
  • Not mentioned above

Oversize Products
  • Oversize Products
  • Aircrafts
  • Ships
  • Freighters
  • Trucks
  • Cars
  • Military Shelter
  • Container
  • Electrical cabinets / Enclosures

  • Entire buildings
  • Rooms
  • Reserved places
  • Government premises
  • Medical facilities
  • Shielded chambers
  • Anechoic chambers

Glass Windows
  • Shielded glasses
  • Equipment screens

Applicable solutions
  • Spray for industrial use
  • Military shielding paints

Other shielding solutions
  • Not mentioned above

shielding effectiveness graph
For information regarding the shielding effectiveness test, or to get a quote, you can contact us by phone or write us an email.
  • Opening time: 9am to 6pm (UTC/GMT +01:00)
E-mail: info@emctest.it   |     Phone: +39 0541 728562
Or simply fill in the contact form below:

Type below the number you read: 1666